
As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.
Genesis 50:20 (ESV)

Sometimes you can’t help but feel stuck. You find yourself in a rut or you’re figuratively boxed in by current circumstances. Obstacles of the financial variety, the demands placed on your time by work and difficult relationships all seemingly conspire to hedge you in so that you’re life isn’t your own. Loss of employment, failed relationships, broken dreams can all leave you feeling stuck. Endless revolutions of  responsibility and obligation fill your days and weeks leaving you to wonder if it’s all worth it. Every opportunity for purposeful pursuit seems to either be closed off or dried up.

Or maybe you’re stuck in a more literal fashion – a physical disability or prison walls have constrained you so that you can’t do what you will. Either way you can’t seem to help but think that life is over. This is it. You’re stuck. Nothing will change. Ever. Done. Finished.

But wait. Consider the story of Joseph. His story is found in the Old Testament of the Bible, Genesis chapters 37-50. Betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery. At least thirteen long years spent first stuck as a slave in an Egyptian household before being falsely accused and stuck into prison where he was forgotten and left stuck by those he tried to help.

How did he manage? What did he do to survive those long lonely years of apparent abandonment before he was elevated to second in command to the ruler of Egypt? He trusted God. And his trust in God brought perspective. We hear that perspective in Joseph’s words to his brothers when they became fearful that he will retaliate against them for selling him into slavery: you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good… 

Though we can question God (He can take it) we must remember – His ways are higher than ours. There is a big picture and He is in control. Even when it appears that the intended outcome of our situation is for harm we can know that God means good for us if we will trust Him.

2 thoughts on “stuck!

  1. Lenny Macdonald

    Stuck. As in stuck in understanding. Or stuck in purpose. So God is the source of contentment when we are stuck, and we aren’t really stuck at all. Hmmmm.

  2. Pingback: stuck! again | the X perspective

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